img_2632There are many lies that are mistakenly accepted as truth: I’m not smart, I’m too small, I’m not lovable, I don’t qualify for that job …. All of us are vulnerable to receiving a lie as truth until we know God’s love, believe who He says we are, and accept His word as truth. It will be almost impossible to push aside the lies of the enemy in our own understanding. True confidence settles in as we gather truth about our true identify.  You and I are not mistakes despite the circumstances of our birth. God knit us together in our mother’s wombs (Psalm 139:15-16) because He chose to do so. In fact, He purposely created each of us in His image and said, “It is very good.” Confidence comes to those who know who they are and who they belong to. The way you feel about yourself might not be how God sees you. Yes, choices can bring unpleasant consequences, but consequences do not determine our worth. And they do not keep us from fulfilling God’s purposes in our lives. Tomorrow is a new day. A day to step into with confidence. It’s time to reinforce the worth of those we love the most: our family members. Children  gain confidence through affirmation. Affirmation plants an I can attitude.

Acts 17:28a NIV ‘For in Him we live and move and have our being.’

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