7-31-16-alan-in-nottingham-steam-engineFamilies and fun go together like ice cream and a cone. Planning the fun is often the bigger challenge. Let’s see what can be done to select the adventures, get fun on the calendar, and not bust the budget.

Indoor adventures are great but I’m a bigger fan of the outdoors. Seasons change but that doesn’t have to stop us from having outdoor fun. Fresh air and exercise is good for all of us. Nature hikes, ski slopes, bicycle rides, gardens, and rivers to explore… so much fabulous fun to be had. Within an hour of my home, depending on the season, I can be playing in mountain snow, visiting the zoo, or hiking trails as near as Mary Young park.

First know what your family members are interested in doing. Create a Family Adventure Calendar. Hang it in a visible place. Keep things fair by planning at least one adventure fitting each persons suggestions. Then make sure you have the right clothing and gear to enjoy the activity. Thrift stores are a great way to be gentle on the finances and get needed items.

Two adventures a month is a reasonable family goal. If zip-lining is chosen, then it’s also okay for those who fear this kind of “fun” to watch and not zip-line. That person can be appointed the family picture taker.

Knowing the costs of each adventure before heading out will keep financial surprises from turning into budget setbacks and bad attitudes. It also helps children learn there’s a cost attached to some kinds of fun. Be informed. Be ready to pay. Keep in mind there’s still plenty of free fun to be found. Begin to save a few dollars each week for those more pricey adventures. Delayed gratification builds excitement. Don’t forget to capture those smiles on family faces.


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