What does it mean to take hold of Springtime promises? Why does it matter?

Springtime promises point to new awakenings. Plant life is a prime example. Living in the Pacific Northwest means Spring blooms show up long before Wisconsin and Alaska residents can experience such things.

Everywhere an expansive palette of color is popping up. Pinks and whites, purples and yellows, reds and blues, all adding to a perfect masterpiece of harmony. After the drab of winter, we embrace this beautiful season as a long-awaited, and welcome hug of happiness.

God’s Timing

Psalm 104:19 He made the moon to mark the seasons, and the sun knows when to go down.

God’s timing is never early and it’s never late. How each plant knows when to wake up and put on new growth is a mystery to me. All I know is that God’s perfect rhythm of life is at work. In Springtime there’s new growth. Then in summer it’s prime time. When Autumn comes, leaves change color and begin to fall. And in winter life slows. Many trees and plants are bare. Or are they busy storing up energy, in unseen places, for the next spring?

The Rhythm of Our Lives

The same rhythm of seasons is at work in our lives. Springtime ushers in new beginnings. Birds nest. Chicks are born. Ducklings hatch.

But not all births are of flesh and blood. The birth of a dream is just as beautiful. What might your dream be? Do you have the urge to be an entrepreneur? Is it a career change, learning to play pickleball, or exploring a creative interest? Or do you dream of joining a local hiking group, stepping into ministry work, or taking a photography class? Maybe your new thing is to focus on being debt free. Whatever it is, now might be the right season to stir up the soil beneath that dream and encourage it to bloom.

Isaiah 43:19 See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.

Springtime Promises are Ageless

Birthdays are a lot like picking fresh lilacs. They leave the fragrance of beloved memories. However, growing older is not meant to be a deterrent when it comes to seeing God’s new thing. His promises are not age related. If they were, I wouldn’t have begun a writing career at age 50. And Moses would not have been chosen to escort God’s people out of slavery in Egypt.

God was doing a new thing when Moses was chosen to lead God’s people out of slavery and into the Promised Land. Moses was 80 years old! Exodus 7:6-7 Moses and Aaron did just as the Lord commanded them. Moses was eighty years old and Aaron eighty-three when they spoke to Pharaoh.

Age isn’t a valid excuse. God still wants to do new things in us and through us. We’ve every reason to believe it’s possible to experience springtime’s fresh bloom as long as there’s breath in our lungs. God’s promises truly are ageless. Are you ready to take hold of those Springtime Promises? If not, what is holding you back?


Lord, giver of Springtime birth, give us eyes to see Your new thing and the courage to walk purposely into it. Dismiss all thoughts related to age barriers or feeling incapable for the task. Fill our thoughts with determination to trust in Your guiding presence. Our confidence is knowing You work through us to achieve the end goal. Lord, may we feel immersed in Spring’s fresh energy as we move forward in this birthing season. Your ageless grace is our superpower. Amen

Coaches Corner:

If beginning a new thing is not easy for you, talking with a life coach can help you take those next steps forward. The first 30 minute session is free. https://www.rebuildingfamilies.net/life-coach/



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