Only when we activate financial insights will money worries align with peace of mind.   

Insight one:

Far too many of us have either lived through a tough financial patch, or are in one right now. This is especially true during the current pandemic uncertainties. Business owners and employees alike have faced hard times. There’s one lesson that stands out: the importance of being prepared, of doing what it takes to weather a future income interruption.

One super priority is to store up essential items for a season of lack. Good planning isn’t hoarding. It’s simply common sense to keep two dozen rolls of toilet paper on hand, a pantry lined with imperishable foods, frozen foods, and plenty of toiletry items. Add laundry soap, medications, and batteries to the preparedness list. And remember pets need to eat, too.

Insight two:

Build up your savings account. It’s recommended having three to six month of living expenses set aside in an emergency fund. Otherwise those days of uncertainty will take us by surprise. Knowing what to do and doing what it takes are two different things. Only when we activate financial insights are we putting into practice what is needed. Begin with a serious look at monthly income and expenses. Then start saving toward this practical goal. The peace of mind that follows will be worth it.

Insight three:

Watch impulse spending. Staying home doesn’t mean shopping stops. Online sites are very tempting. Every day multiple offers arrive in our emails and entice us to spend. Make those tough decisions. Toss the magazine ad or delete the email. Choose to limit credit card purchases to what can be paid off each month. If bills are mounting, be ready to negotiate with your current creditors.

Insight four:

Downsize where possible. For most of us, there is room to shrink our spending in painless ways. This action moves us toward living with less money stress and finding more time to enjoy our families. More home cooking and less eating out is financially rewarding. The new car might have to be sold and a used one bought. Your high school grad might need to consider a community college or online courses over a 4 year university on-campus experience.

Insight five:

Never underestimate the power of a loving God. Instead, pray. Seek wisdom. Make wise choices. Avoid scam artists. The Lord warns us to be skeptical of those who appear to have an easy fix to our problems. Every credit card offer shows up promising amazing perks. But the cost that shows up later might not make the deal a good one for you. Seek godly counsel and be content with what God provides. That’s the best way to activate financial insights as a lifestyle experience.

Hebrews 13:5 Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”


A tested resource to take you deeper into financial stability is: Rebuilding Families One Dollar at a Time

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