What might it mean to bloom where you are planted? Consider the Trillium. They grow where God plants them. During early Spring walks, I keep a watchful eye out for these beauties. Like me, they are native to the Pacific Northwest. Their happy place is beneath the shelter of taller trees that protect them from direct sunlight.

Appreciate Where God Plants Us

Much like the Trillium, our birthplace was also God-fashioned. Those we call family, friend, or co-worker are not by chance. The color of our skin, or the language we speak; even the socio-economic surroundings we are in are not by chance. Even the obstacles we face are part of God’s bigger plan. His intent is that we bloom beautiful wherever we are.

Being kind to others is blooming. Sharing with those in need is blooming. Praying for those around us is blooming.

See Divine Purpose at Work

All of us are familiar with life interruptions. And most often we don’t like them.

Truth is, the Lord wants us to make plans. Plans are good. Just keep in mind God orders our steps and might have a different idea. It’s easy to struggle with this reality, especially if we feel out of place where we are right now. But getting angry or distraught won’t help. It’s much better to swallow our disappointment and look beyond the annoyance, knowing God is fully aware and walks beside us. He does not allow a disruption without also having a divine purpose at work. In days of disrupted plans, let’s do our best to trust God is doing a greater thing.

In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps. Proverbs 16:9

Intentional Blooms

Because God is intentional, we are to be intentional, too. This might mean a season of watering seeds and waiting for new growth to appear. Our faith will be taken to greater depths as God prepare us for what lies ahead.

Pray for affirmation as we continue to bloom. Sometimes an unexpected hospital stay results in introducing others to Christ. Sometimes a new job develops greater skills and maturity. A move across the country could be evidence of God’s grace. As faith is exercised, it matures.

Blooming requires letting go of our expectations to lean into God’s bigger and intentional plans. If we can act upon that truth, clarity will come. Fighting God’s ways only leads to frustration.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

To Bloom is Evidence of His Goodness

The Trillium remind us of His nature. They sport three leaves of green and three petals of white representing the Holy Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Green is the color of life. White is the color of salvation for all who accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Because of Jesus, we now wear robes of white before the Father. All sin stains are gone.


Lord, forgive us for grumbling when plans change. Please guide us to see Your divine purpose in our days. Give us willing hearts to bloom wherever we are planted, and let every bloom reveal the goodness of our Creator’s love. Your faithfulness, Lord, is nourishing soil. We pray our blooms will influence others to also bloom right where You’ve planted them. Amen

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