Keeping Family Fun on the Calendar

Families that remember to play together bless their homes with increased harmony. All work and seriousness is exhausting. Play initiates togetherness, builds memories and resets moods. Laughter, smiles, and good times are healthy for all of us, from the youngest to the oldest.

Stress lets its guard down when allowed to engage in pleasing, fun experiences on a regular basis. The Bible is right. Laughter is good medicine. “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” Proverbs 17:22

Budget Friendly Fun

I’m a big fan of creating family fun while also saving money. Budget friendly ideas are easily found on both Groupon and Living Social sites. One Christmas we bought an escape room outing for four. Another fun day included visiting an Alpaca farm. Mini golf and scavenger hunts, axe throwing, bowling, sailing, kayaking, movie tickets; the ideas are plentiful. Whatever the season, fun can be found and shared.

Local Resources

Local libraries are a great place to get tickets for visiting museums, zoos, or other local venues free of charge. Simply ask. The number may be limited, but it’s a savings, nonetheless.

Look for things to do that are fun and require little or no money. Our community hosts a walk-a-thon periodically. This is a great family outing. Everyone gets exercise and fresh air. Ice cream cones might be all the reward needed. Neighborhood parks offer lots of ways to have a fun day. Take some chairs, lawn games, and picnic food. Our nearby park has concerts one night a week during the summer months. No cost. Just come and enjoy.

Is it Possible to Have Too Many Outings?

Yes, it is possible to overschedule. Fun is contagious and more might sound good, but too many activities could lead to exhaustion. If this describes your family and energy levels are being sapped, it’s time to talk things over. Evaluate how much fun is too much fun. Find out if it’s time to take a step back and leave empty space to do nothing but simply relax. There’s nothing wrong with giving ourselves a timeout.

Strike a Happy Balance

There’s always a balance to strike when planning family outings. Each family is unique and it’s rhythm will be different. It’s important to discuss how to bring balance to the days you share. Decide whether pre-planned activities will be weekly, monthly, on holidays, or completely different? And always take into consideration the financial outlay before buying tickets. Being kind to the family’s available resources is the best way not to dampen a good time.

Fun Boosts Family Ties

Fun is a wonderful way to boost family ties. In the spirit of play we learn a lot about each other. Our relationships find new ways to grow closer. Good times are important for all of us. Young and old, and anywhere in between. The nature of fun is that it speaks love aloud without the need for words.


Lord, remind us of the importance of having fun as a family. We can so quickly focus on daily problems and ignore the hidden value of play. Give us a willingness to try activities that are perhaps beyond the scope of the ordinary. We pray for loving harmony, gracious hearts, and shared memories to be enjoyed. Amen

Coaches Corner:

Making time for fun takes calendar planning with careful attention to finances. If this is a new concept to you, or seems too big a step, take heart. A life coach can help you develop a plan. I’d be honored to come alongside you. The first 30 minute online session is always free. Contact me at

Photo by Vitolda Klein on Unsplash

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