Harmony at home often depends on how well we make room for quiet moments during the busiest season of the year. Some haste is to be expected, but too much rushing around could be detrimental. Let’s take time to check in with ourselves. Ask: Am I in a happy state of mind? Or am I feeling overwhelmed? When there’s more stress than is typical, our bodies send out warning signs. This could be heightened anxiety, sleeplessness, irritability, stomach aches, or something entirely different.

Beauty in Simplicity

As we busy ourselves to be Christmas ready, let’s not neglect our physical and emotional health. Can we give ourselves permission to lessen expectations, slow the pace, and see the beauty in simplicity this year?

Decorative touches matter to most of us at Christmastime. But can we find ways to simplify the process and still be happy with the outcome? One thing I do is to ask my daughter and granddaughter to put up our Christmas tree. They are happy helpers, and the tree always looks amazing! And the hours we spend together are special. I add a beloved nativity scene to the indoor décor as a primary focal point. It draws attention to the Savior’s birth. It’s a reminder that Jesus Christ is the real reason we celebrate Christmas. Caroling dolls sit on the mantel and poinsettias on the kitchen counter. This minimizes the work and keeps the holiday vibe in place.

Outside we’ve a bit of bling, too. Because Winter days cause darkness to fall at 4:30 p.m., we hire a gentleman to hang lights the length of the roof’s edge. This tradition makes the season brighter and the winter more bearable.

With less labor intensive details to attend to there’s added time for relationships. Spending time with the people who matter is most important. The hours are shaped by relaxing over games, telling stories, baking cookies, eating meals together, and taking part in community events. Enjoying time together gives rise to building special memories. Seize those moments. They are fleeting.

Remember His Holy Birth

Christmas began with the Savior’s holy birth. In Bethlehem, just as prophecy had said, the angels sang, the shepherds followed the star, and the Christ-child was found in a manger. God chose that night for His only Son to come to earth to free us of our sins. The shepherds lives were forever changed. The telling of Jesus’ birth is found in Luke 2:1-18. It’s a wonderful passage of Scripture to read aloud with our families during Advent season. (The 4 weeks leading up to Christmas day).

Be Purposeful

As we hurry to buy those gifts and write those cards, let’s be purposeful to not forget the Christ of Christmas. Let’s find ways to celebrate Him. Perhaps that means attending church activities or community events. Or giving to those who have need. Put on the Christmas sweaters and pass out Christmas cheer, pray with those who are homebound, or even homeless. Whatever it takes, let’s slow down long enough to reacquaint ourselves with the greatest story ever told. The Good News is still the Good News. Jesus came to save us.

God Loves Us

God loves each of us with a heart of mercy. Will we make room for quiet moments of reflection? Will we wrap our minds and hearts around the Majesty birthed in Bethlehem so long ago? The Christ of Christmas is still, and forever, the Savior of the world.

“Love came down at Christmas” by Christina Rossetti

Love came down at Christmas,

Love all lovely, Love Divine

Love was born at Christmas,

Star and angels gave the sign.

This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. 1 John 4:9

Prayer: Lord, bless Your people this Christmas season. Fill their hearts with joy. Bring awareness to the greatest gift of all. You freely give salvation to all who believe in the Son of God. Help us to be mindful of slowing our pace to be present in Your love. Cause our love to abound to others and our conversations to be grace-driven. When we say, “Merry Christmas” may it be a sweet sound in Your ears. Amen

Coaches Corner: Are you having trouble simplifying your to-do list? If so, a coach can help you move forward. I’d be honored to come alongside you. The first 30 minute online session is always free. Contact me at https://www.rebuildingfamilies.net/life-coach/.


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